
In April 2019 we took a Nature tour put together by Spainbirds to the Atlas and deserts region. At the end of it we had two extra days in Marrakesh. Full details of the Spainbirds tour can be seen here

The information to prepare us for our trip received from Spainbirds was very good. It told us clearly what kind of temperatures to prepare for and there were five pages of traveller information provided both by PDF ahead of time, and printed in a book on arrival.

Our guide for the whole trip was John Muddeman - a very knowledgeable guide who made the trip the success it was

Daar Charma Pool


Tour accommodation April 2019

We stayed in five hotels during our entire trip, returning to the first hotel in Marrakesh for the last four nights of the holiday. These were:

  1. Hotel Della Rosa in Marrakesh
  2. Hotel Daar Chamaa in Ouarzazate
  3. Hotel Xaluca Dades in Boumaine Dades
  4. Hotel Xaluca Tombuctou in Merzouga
  5. Hotel Karam Palace back to Ouarzazate

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Marrakesh pony and trap

Travel and Landscapes

Thoughts as we traveled about April 2019

This holiday was predominantly a travelling holiday. Our guide took us to a good number of different places in order to see different species of birds. These are noted elsewhere. This section describes our experiences whilst travelling, offering observations on our experiences.

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Pillars and tiles


Interesting buildings April 2019

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Two plates of african food


Notes on the food April 2019

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Crimson Wing finch


The whole purpose of the trip April 2019

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Observations on culture April 2019

Predominantly in this section I comment on the Hammam and toilets!

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Mosque tower


Visiting the city April 2019

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